Wednesday, 9 May 2007

Day 1

I went to see my Counsellor last night and I was really impressed with her. She was very nice but also very honest about what I had to do and the reasons for doing it which I appreciated. We talked for quite a while and it was quite interesting really. Then I got my 'meals' and trotted off home.

I have to have 4 meals a day as I am over 5' 8" but I think I am going to struggle with having all of them. My Counsellor said I could cut down to three in the next couple of weeks if I feel I am able to.

I had my first shake this morning - a coffee flavoured one and I am just having some vegetable soup now. They were both alright, although I am not overly impressed at the taste at the moment. I read on someone's blog that they found them a bit off to start with but as their taste buds got used to them, they started to like them. I hope that happens to me!

Even if it doesn't, it doesn't really matter to me what they taste like; I don't have to have them forever and the benefits far outweigh the funny taste!

Off to puff 5 fags (another terrible habit) in a minute as it is lunchtime. Really, I suppose I shouldn't be complaining about bad tasting stuff when I smoke...

All in all I am feeling good and so chuffed I am doing this diet.

Might post again tonight if I get a chance,

Bye for now

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